City of South Salt Lake

Project Type
Master Planning, Dark Sky
South Salt Lake City, UT
South Salt Lake City
Master plans in the Downtown, Streetcar, Creative Industry Zone, Riverfront, and Granite High areas set the framework for urban redevelopment that will attract new business opportunities and establish South Salt Lake as a destination.
Lighting is essential for the visual experience of any City. Designed with purpose and clear intent, lighting enhances the aesthetic character of South Salt Lake City all while improving visibility, visual comfort, wayfinding, public safety and security.
South Salt Lake's Lighting Master Plan provides guidance for the city as they upgrade the existing lighting infrastructure to LED and helps the City provide appropriate and safe light on streets, sidewalks, and bike paths while avoiding the obtrusive effects of over lighting. This Master Plan identifies lighting Character Districts throughout the city and provides recommendations on luminaire aesthetics and light levels based on location, adjacent land use, and vehicle and pedestrian volume. These Character Districts reinforce the diverse nature of South Salt Lake and prepare the City for future development. The Lighting Master Plan helps to guide designers and engineers through the lighting design process while giving the City the means to ensure that the future vision of lighting in the City of South Salt Lake is met.