Salt Lake City Lighting Master Plan

Project Type
Master Planning, Dark Sky
Salt Lake City, UT
GSBS Architects
Lighting creates a sense of place and identity for neighborhoods and districts throughout Salt Lake City.
Street and pedestrian lighting plays a key role in how people experience cities at night. Salt Lake City has a rich history of decorative street lighting that enhances the character of the city. Yet, street and pedestrian lighting can also adversely affect residents and wildlife habitat with glare and light trespass.
Salt Lake City's Lighting Master Plan enhances the human experience while protecting environmental health. Working closely with Salt Lake City Public Utilities, Clanton & Associates engaged citizens, city departments and stakeholders to balance the priorities of the community as street and pedestrian lighting strategies were developed.
This Street Lighting Master Plan provides actionable guidance that addresses stakeholder needs with lighting strategies that are appropriate for the street typology and adjacent land use in each area of the city. These lighting strategies include appropriate light levels, spectrum/color of light, glare control, reducing light trespass and light pollution, adaptive dimming controls, historic or contemporary character, and prioritizing equity for underserved communities.